Impacts of Outdoor Lighting: Considerations to Reduce Energy, Save Money and Minimize Light Pollution for People and the Environment
Networking from 11:30 am – 12:00 pm
Presentation from 12:00 – 1:00 pm, with Q&A until 1:30 pm
Earn 1 HSW (AIA Honolulu is the registered provider)
Hybrid event – select In-person or Zoom when registering
Register Here! (scroll to bottom of page)
Together with the IES Honolulu Section, Hawaii Energy, and the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) the DLC is excited to present this “lunch and learn” event. Join us in-person, or watch on-line, for a panel discussion about the importance of responsible light at night.
Outdoor lighting supports our 24/7 society, but growing evidence shows negative consequences of over-lighting to ecosystems, astronomy, cultural activities, and our health. Responsible outdoor lighting is a holistic approach to minimize the impacts of light pollution, without compromising safety and environmental safeguards. This panel will address topics such as how lighting affects coastal ecosystems and astronomical study and share resources available to communities, building owners and lighting decision makers to reduce the negative impacts from sky glow and light trespass. In addition to the benefits that appropriate lighting can provide to our outdoor environment, there are also energy savings to be captured by only using the right type of light, and only when and where it is needed. The current state of standards and design solutions will be discussed, as well as considerations for selecting white and non-white outdoor LED lighting.