Hawaii State Council
AIA's Role in Statewide Advocacy
AIA has three organizations in Hawaii representing the interests of members and the public on state and local/county issues (AIA Honolulu, AIA Maui, and the AIA Hawaii State Council). Statewide we are served by the AIA Hawaii State Council (HSC).
The HSC represents AIA members on matters of state-wide interest, and provides assistance and advice to state, governmental and regulatory bodies regarding issues affecting the profession and practice of architecture in Hawaii.
The HSC has organized four committees to work on legislative and regulatory subjects on behalf of all Hawaii's architects. Each committee has an agenda that matches current state legislative and regulatory issues monitored by AIA as government advocacy service to members.
For more information on the HSC committees or to join a committee, choose the committee from the drop down menu.
The Hawaii State Council is provisioned under the HRS 107-22 to provide a representative to the State Building Code Council (SBCC) for a four-year term. One of the duties of the AIA representative is to assemble individuals with an interest in reviewing building codes. This group is known as the “Codes Committee”. The Codes Committee is the investigative committee for the non-structural provisions of the International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code (IRC) and the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) for the State Building Code Council in their review of the codes for the next State Building Code cycle. The code committee reviews the non-structural provisions of the IBC, IRC, and IEBC with a goal of submitting the committee’s recommendations for proposed amendments to the Hawaii State Building Codes. The proposed amendments is submitted to the AIA representative on the SBCC who will present the code committees’ recommendations to the SBCC.
The codes committee plays an important role in the development of the Hawaii State Building Codes and provides a platform where one can discuss building code issues. You learn something new in each meeting while getting a peek into the future of the next building code.
Get Involved
Membership in the Hawaii State Council Codes committee is open to all AIA Honolulu and AIA Maui members, particularly those with expertise in dealing with codes and interested in providing their input. The Hawaii State Council specifically needs input from architect members for all counties (Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, and Honolulu). Please consider participating and providing input during code review cycles.
State Building Code Meetings: Review of the 2021 IRC, IBC, & IEBC
The State Building Code Council is starting their review of the codes under the 2021 code cycle. Two major requests from the HSC Codes Committee are:
- Interested AIA volunteer members from each County to assist with non-structural code review of the 2021 IBC, 2021 IRC and the 2021 IEBC.
- Administrative assistance in the form of members or associate members that are proficient at producing Word documents and tracking the additions and deletions. OR assistance in the form of monetary sponsorships/donations to offset HSC costs to have a third-party draft documents for HSC Codes Committee review/comments/revisions.
The AIA Codes Committee meeting schedule will be forthcoming soon and notifications will be via the AIA email distribution and listed under upcoming meetings on the AIA website.
The Legislative Advocacy Committee (LAC) meets weekly during the legislative session (typically January through May) to review bills and resolutions affecting the architecture profession.
Learn more about advocacy and tracked legislative bills by clicking here.
Get Involved
Membership in the Hawaii State Council LAC is open to all AIA Honolulu and AIA Maui members. During State Legislative Session, LAC meets weekly for 30 minutes each Friday from 9am to 9:30am to discuss ongoing bills.
LAC Agenda
- Protect Public Procurement of Architectural services as laid out in HRS Chapter 103D-304.
- AIA strongly supports Qualification Based Selection (QBS) in lieu of low-pricing. We encourage the preservation of the exemption Architects, Landscape Architects, and Engineers (A&E services) have from competitive price-based selection for government work.
- Both the Federal government and 48 states use QBS to select A&E services.
- Architects and Engineers do NOT function like Contractors or other Vendors whose services are based on materials and labor. The A&E industry is primarily design service oriented, therefore proper selection should rely on QBS.
- Support Building Code and the funding of the State Building Code Council.
- We believe a more uniform building code provides consumer protection and efficiency for design and construction businesses. Building codes should be updated on a schedule to protect our community, land, property, and people of Hawaii.
- A funded State Building Code Council is the best entity to address many of the most important issues of our time:
- Climate change and resiliency — codifying measures to address the State’s sustainability goals such as hurricane/tsunami risks, measures to address research mapping, tracking, and updates of sea-level rise, and energy conservation.
- Building permitting — the State Building Code is further amended by each County. Funding the State Building Code Council may lead to counties following procedures for permitting statewide.
- Most states fund their building code councils with building permit surcharges.
The Hawaii State Council Licensing & Consumer Protection (LCP) Committee is responsible for defending the state’s architect licensing law, liaising with the Hawaii Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs EASLA, and other items associated with licensing and consumer protection related to architects in Hawaii.
Legislative Report
From the AIA SpeakUp 2017 Denver, Colorado
Read the full report (PDF) by Brent I Tokita, AIA, LEED AP: Governmental Advocacy should be a high priority for any AIA chapter and you can’t get any higher than the 2nd Annual AIA SpeakUp in Denver, Colorado. AIA Hawaii State Council provided a generous scholarship for me to attend this event which provided seminars and an interesting group exercise to promote advocacy skills through the grassroots of AIA. There was representation from across the country with local chapters ranging from a few dozen to thousands of members. Many were very inexperienced in advocacy whereas other had well-developed Political Action Committees(PACS) and targeted action plans.
Get Involved
Membership in the Hawaii State Council LCP committee is open to all AIA Honolulu and AIA Maui members.
LCP Committee Agenda
- Defend Hawaii’s currently strong architect licensing law. HRS 464 is the strongest licensing/consumer protection law in USA with respect to what requires architect seal and signature.
- Liaison with State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Engineers Architects Surveyors & Landscape Architects Board (EASLA).
- Assist ARE candidates for licensing exam. State-wide Intern Development Program (IDP) coordinator.
- Monitor activities of DCCA Design Conciliation Panel that determines merits of DCCA-based claims against architects.
- Recommend any added hours of mandatory continuing education as NCARB is recommending to Hawaii EASLA Board to meet national standard. Hawaii currently has the lowest hour requirements of any state that already requires continuing education for license renewal. AIA Hawaii currently has no position for or against an increase.
The Hawaii State Council Practice & Prosperity (P2) Committee is responsible for issues that affect public procurement, taxation, civil justice and similar issues in the State of Hawaii. The committee also prepares the architect labor rate survey every three years.
Get Involved
Membership in the Hawaii State Council P2 committee is open to all AIA Honolulu and AIA Maui members.
P2 Committee Agenda
- Public Procurement. Defend and improve existing Qualifications-Based Selection QBS for public design contracts. Monitor public agency conformance and procedural decisions.
- Public Procurement. Discuss impact of small business preferences for state contracts.
- Public Procurement. Assist with passage of law requiring payment formula for “pursuit costs” to unsuccessful offerors in public sector design-build competitions. Consider accounting study of historic costs to justify mandatory payment. Recent AIA National study says “pursuit cost” for federal design-build is $2 per square foot. Currently Hawaii law allows payment, but there is no requirement and there is no $ connection to scope of project.
- Taxation. Monitor payment of State Use Tax (akin to GET) on architectural services imported from out-of-state firms. Note the tax is owed by the Hawaii-based client / importer and not owed by the out-of-state architect.
- Civil Justice. Monitor and improve legal climate for Hawaii architectural practice. Ban defense duty in public design contracts; increase from current $1 million threshold.
- Prepare Architect Labor Rate Survey to be provided to state government agencies such as DAGS and DOE. May be performed every 3 years.
2023 AIA Hawaii State Council Leadership
The AIA Hawaii State Council Board of Directors includes elected delegates from the AIA Honolulu Chapter and AIA Maui Chapter, their respective numbers determined by a formula based on the number of registered architects in each Chapter.
Reid Mizue, AIA
Email: iallc@hawaii.rr.com
Melanie Islam, AIA
Email: melanie@masonarch.com
David Kaahaaina, AIA
Email: david.kaahaaina.jr@gmail.com
Richard Furst, AIA
Director (AIA Honolulu Chapter Representative)
Email: rfurst808@gmail.com
Lorena Yamamoto, AIA
Director (AIA Honolulu Chapter Representative)
Email: lorena@rkyarchitect.com
Daniel Moats, AIA
Director (AIA Honolulu Chapter Representative) State Building Code Council Representative
Email: dmoats@ahldesign.com
Tom Cannon, AIA
Director (AIA Maui Representative)
Email: trcforaia@gmail.com
Other Key Roles for the AIA Hawaii State Council
AIA is also asked at different occasions to submit the name(s) of Architect member(s) to represent AIA Hawaii interests and provide professional expertise on behalf of the architectural profession. Current active AIA appointments include:
Jason DeMarco, AIA
Strategic Councilor (AIA HSC Board Appointed)
Email: jddemarch@gmail.com
Henry Schneider IV, Assoc. AIA
National Associates Committee (NAC) Representative (AIA HSC Board Appointed)
Email: thehgsiv@gmail.com
Kevin Loo Chan, AIA
Young Architects Representative (YAR) (AIA HSC Board Appointed)
Email: kevinlc@g70.design
Small Firm Exchange (SFx)
(AIA HSC Board Appointed)
Strategic Councilor Position with AIA National
The AIA Strategic Council (“Council”) is a diverse group of over 60 forward-thinking leaders, charged with exploring new ideas and solutions to significant issues facing the profession of architecture and its role in society. The Council seeks to prioritize and make advancements by informing the National AIA Board of Directors and other Institute bodies about important professional issues and opportunities.
The Council is not an AIA governing body, which allows it the freedom to explore issues outside of current constructs. The Council’s primary focus is the future of the profession. A recent and profound example of this is the Council’s effort, along with the Board of Directors, to create the 2021–2025 AIA Strategic Plan.
Your 2023–2025 AIA Hawaii Strategic Councilor is Jason DeMarco, AIA
Ideal Characteristics of a Strategic Councilor
While the form and operation of the Strategic Council have continued to evolve since its inception in 2015, engaged and effective Councilors over this time have several shared qualities.
We are seeking individuals with the following characteristics:
- A true representative of our state’s members, that can bring forth the diversity of perspectives within our various communities.
- An exemplary communicator, a listener, and advocate who will capably serve as an active conduit for information and ideas to and from our members.
- A natural leader, able to inspire, collaborate and work with others, who possess a bias for action.
- A reflective thinker who offers expertise, experience, insight, and/or unique perspectives.
The AIA Bylaws do not require that state representatives be Architect members.
Commitments and Expectations of a Strategic Councilor
Click here (PDF) to review the latest Handbook for the Strategic Council.
- The Councilor must be an engaged, active AIA member who is able to provide significant volunteer hours throughout the three-year term of service. The Strategic Councilor is to be a representative of Hawaii state’s members, capable of bringing forward the diversity of perspectives representative of our community.
- The Council meets face-to-face at least twice a year, in addition to teleconferences. Council meetings are known as “Assemblies.” AIA funds attendance at these Assemblies and events. Councilors are expected to attend Council meetings, quarterly AIA Hawaii State Council meetings, local component meetings, and AIA National events (such as the annual conference) per year.
- The Council’s structure also includes a variety of standing committees (Steering, Strategic Planning, and Best Practices), to which Councilors are assigned on an annual basis.
Application Requirements
- Must be an AIA Hawaii member in good standing.
- Provide a personal statement, limit 2 pages, to include reasons for seeking election. Utilize the prompts here for the personal statement.
- Provide personal resume, limit 2 pages, highlighting areas of service and leadership.
- Submit at least one letter of recommendation from an individual/ entity you feel represents your volunteer and leadership capabilities.
The Submission Deadline for the Strategic Councilor positions has passed. This section will be updated in 2025 when a new Councilor is solicited.
Selection Process
The AIA Hawaii State Council Selection Committee will review applications and short-list several candidates for recommendation. The Selection Committee will make its recommendation to the AIA Hawaii State Council to take action for approval at its fourth quarter meeting.
The National Associates Committee (NAC) represents associates, in both traditional and non-traditional paths, by providing information and leadership to AIA components. The NAC addresses local and national issues and helps to shape and dictate new policy. The main objective of the NAC Representative is to serve as the AIA Associate representative for the State of Hawaii to the National Associates Committee (NAC) for a 2-year term.
The NAC serves as a resource to AIA National regarding issues that affect Associate members, by providing feedback/comment. In their position, the NAC representative also contributes news and announcements from state and local chapter Associate member events for NAC publications on a regular basis (monthly).
The NAC also fosters expanded interest in the program, encourages growth of the profession, acts as a mentor, builds relationships, creates goals for the state, and disseminates knowledge.
Your 2022–2023 AIA Hawaii National Associates Committee Representative is Henry G. Schneider IV, Associate AIA
Commitments and Expectations of a NAC Representative
- The NAC must be an Associate AIA member at the time of appointment.
- This is a two-year commitment with an estimated 4–12 hours per month spent on NAC activities and tasks, and up to 3 hours per month spent on Hawaii State Council meetings and tasks.
- Representatives are expected to attend quarterly committee meetings, monthly workgroup calls, quarterly Hawaii State Council meetings, and AIA National events (such as the annual conference).
Deadline - Apply on the link above by October 1, 2023.
Selection Process - This is an open nomination process, and the Hawaii State Council board of directors will make an appointment as soon as a qualified candidate is identified.
Questions - Email Julia Fink, AIA Honolulu EVP with your questions at julia@aiahonolulu.org
The Young Architects Forum (YAF) is a program of the AIA and the College of Fellows (COF) and is organized to address issues of particular importance to recently licensed architects (within 10 years or less after licensure).
The Young Architects Representative’s (YAR) role is to promote YAF’s mission points of leadership, mentorship, and fellowship by linking local Young Architects Forum activities with the National Institute. The YAR will interact with YAF representatives from other AIA state components and will bring ideas back to the local level while also participating in National YAF focus groups and initiatives. This may include informing the components of the state of programming ideas, grants and awards, or leadership opportunities for Young Architects that may be offered on a national or local level.
YAR’s work with their counterparts: the College of Fellows Regional Representative, the Strategic Councilor, and the National Associates Committee (NAC) Representative. YARs are responsible for gathering information about issues facing young architects within the state and disseminating information and resources at the local level.
Your 2023–2025 YAR is Kevin Loo Chan, AIA
Commitments and Expectations of a NAC Representative
- The YAR must be an AIA member licensed for less than 10 years for at least the first year of their term.
- This is a two-year commitment with an estimated 4–12 hours per month spent on YAF activities and tasks, and up to 3 hours per month spent on Hawaii State Council meetings and tasks.
- Representatives are expected to attend bimonthly committee meetings, a minimum of one focus group (commitment varies), quarterly Hawaii State Council meetings, and AIA National events (such as the YAF orientation and annual conference).
Application Requirements
- Must be an AIA member in good standing.
- Submit an applicant letter of interest (cover letter): one-page maximum describing the candidate’s appropriateness and interest in the position.
- A single page letter from the applicant’s employer (unless self-employed) stating their understanding and support of the time commitment for the applicant to serve in this position.
- Supporting materials: up to five pages maximum, including:
- A resume outlining previous leadership roles and involvement in AIA at the local or state level
- One page essay from the nominee focusing on what he or she hopes to gain from the experience both personally and professionally
- A letter of reference from an AIA member in good standing within the state of Hawaii and/or an AIA-affiliated entity supporting the nomination.
The Submission Deadline for the NAC Representative has passed. This selection will be updated in 2024 when a new Representative is solicited.
Selection Process
This is an open nomination process, and the Hawaii State Council board of directors will make an appointment as soon as a qualified candidate is identified.
The mission of the AIA Small Firm Exchange (SFx) is to advance the mutual interests of architects practicing in small firms. The objectives of the AIA SFx are three-fold:
- Advocate the value of small firms, the national SFx, and local SFx groups, both within the AIA and to the public.
- Curate and disseminate the most pertinent resources and information, from the AIA & elsewhere, that benefit small firms.
- Inform the AIA of current issues facing small firms and areas in which current resources/information are lacking.
Role of the State Representative
- Be a key conduit for information and support between small firms at AIA chapters within your state and the AIA national Small Firm Exchange.
- Provide constructive feedback on AIA national’s progress in delivering value to small firm members.
- Serve as ambassador for small firm engagement within your state.
Activities of State Representative
- Every month this position will require 4-6 hours of your time and participation in up to two 1-hour calls (these occur at 6am HST).
- Each month a state rep call to participate in small group conversations.
- Some months an all-call is held to learn about AIA resources and to ask practice-related questions.
(These calls will allow reps to understand the scope of the AIA and what’s currently happening. This is also when reps will be able to alert the board to anything of importance from your specific state or local chapters.)
- Serve as a liaison to the state chapter, local chapters, and local SFX (or similar) groups in that area.
- Build relationships with state and local leaders i.e. component staff, board leadership, local SFx chapter/group leaders.
- Inform state and local leaders of small firm resources.
- Collect and share small firm needs and concerns with the SFx board.
- Distribute quarterly newsletter content within your state.
- Give the SFx presentation to state’s chapters (in-person or virtually) and collaborate with SFx Board members to give presentations at state and regional conferences.
- Support SFX communication efforts. (SFx has a social media presence on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. SFx leaders help the Outreach work group find content to share through Flipboard (an app to share articles you find online) and project submissions (any AIA member working at a small firm can submit a project for consideration). Orientation to Flipboard is provided and the Outreach work group handles all of the social media scheduling/posting. (All this ensures a steady stream of high value content that we can then automate to go out on our social media accounts and pick specific articles to include in our quarterly newsletters.)
- Provide feedback via short surveys approximately 10 times per year.
- Participate in a half-day virtual orientation and planning meeting in January.
- Participate in in-person events at AIA Conference, if possible.
SFX State Representative body makeup
The body is made up of 52 AIA members who work in small firms, including representatives from each US state, Washington DC, and one international practitioner.
The body is moderated by a Vice-Chair from the SFx Board, who in turn serves on the SFx Executive Committee.
Demographic conditions
- Must be an AIA member in good standing.
- Must be from a state not currently represented. Preference on location different from current board member in their state, if applicable. [Refer to website for list of board members.]
- Must work in a firm with under 10 employees.
- Preference to women, ethnic minorities, and younger members, currently underrepresented.
- Preference to volunteers who help achieve a diversity of firm size, age, structure, and service area/project types.
Term: One-year commitment, renewable for up to five years total.
- Applications accepted through October 1 every year.
- Notifications sent in December.
- Positions begin every January.
Ready to apply? Go to the 2024 State Rep Application